Alberta Conference

Kelly Holzli, Erica Thompson, Simone Cramer, ian Soles,
Polly Armour, Dr Josef Stutz, Sandra Hall

Alberta Lipedema Education Week

Dr Josef Stutz, Vascular Surgeon and Lipedema Specialist
Ian Soles,Polly Armour,

Organizers ​
Sandra Hall, Cofounder Lipedema Alberta
Erica Thompson, Cofounder Lipedema Alberta​

VolunteersKaren Riva, ReAnn Sparkes, Jana Kuppers, Roxanna Guardado,
Sandra Macrea, Shelley Boras, Linda Gust, Sandra Sylvester, Laura Sylvester, Marina Savelyeva, Betty Cooping.
I hope we haven’t missed anyone (please let me know so we can add you)

Technical Support Team Simone Cramer and Kelly Holzli, Audio Reording team
Carlin Parkins, VideographerRandy Egan and PostPro Media ,video editting

Sandra Hall

Audio Of Patient Panel and
Q and A
July 4 – Afternoon of Learning
Patient Panel includes Sandra Hall, Erica Thompson, Polly Armour & Simone Cramer

Event Introduction

How Alberta Lipedema Education Week Came to fruition and was created.  
Sandra’s Story